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Essential oils are just the thing you will need for a natural healthy mouth. See which oils can whiten teeth, freshen breath, and even help with tooth pain.
Essential oils can have incredible benefits for teeth, gums, and overall mouth wellness.
Peppermint and spearmint are wonderful for freshening the breath by just putting a drop under the tongue. I have already shared my toothpaste recipe, but I want to share my other favorite recipes for oral health.
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As you know, I like to use my essential oils to make natural products, and when it comes to dental health, there is no exception. I have found great alternatives to conventional oral health products, and I am excited to share them with you!
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Add a drop of one of these essential oils: lemon, cinnamon bark, or clove on your toothbrush with your favorite all-natural toothpaste and brush like normal. Or brush your teeth with a mix of 1 tsp baking soda, 1 drop of essential oil, and enough water to create a paste. Lemon, cinnamon, and clove are great essential oils to help whiten your teeth.
A retainer can get pretty stinky and gross after a while; try this natural soak to keep it clean and fresh.
- Add 2 drops of peppermint and 2 drops of lemon essential oil to a glass dish of water.
- Place the retainer in the water and soak for at least 15 minutes.
Lemon is a natural cleanser, while peppermint adds a refreshing scent.
We all love fresh breath, but when I read the label on my store-bought mouthwash, it went straight in the trash. Mouthwash is high in sodium and may be doing more harm than good for your overall health. The mouth is full of beneficial bacteria that is our body’s first defense against illness. Thankfully, making your own is simple and still works great.
- Add 2 teaspoons of salt to 4 cups of warm water and mix well.
- Add 5 drops of melaleuca, wild orange, cinnamon, peppermint, and 2 drops of clove.
- Rinse for 30 seconds two times per day.
Teeth grinding is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth together, usually while you sleep. The occasional teeth grinder won’t see much damage, but years of grinding can damage your teeth, cause tooth sensitivity, and lead to permanent jaw pain. I used to grind my teeth as a kid. I never knew I did it, but everyone around me sure reminded me of it in the morning. ๐
Roller Bottle for Teeth Grinding
5 drops lavender
5 drops roman chamomile
3 drops marjoram
2 drops geranium
- Combine essential oils in a roller bottle and top off with fractionated coconut oil. Dilute the oils in half if using on a child under age 12.
- Apply topically to the jawline before bed.
Nothing is worse than an inconsolable baby. It breaks my heart when my children are in pain, especially if I can’t do anything to fix it. When my littles start teething, I make up this roller bottle to help calm and soothe them. You guys, this one works so well!
Roller Bottle for Teething
- 2 drops lavender
- 2 drops frankincense
- 1 drop Roman chamomile
- Combine essential oils in a roller bottle and top off with fractionated coconut oil.
- Apply topically to jawline as needed.
Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly are vital for healthy teeth. The foods you eat and your daily vitamin intake also plays a big role in healthy teeth. Eating a clean diet with little to no sugar and taking a whole-food-based vitamin can do wonders for oral health. I talk about my favorite vitamins HERE.
- Add 2 drops each of wild orange, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary, and cinnamon to 1/4 cup water.
- Swish oils around in mouth multiple times a day.
As you can see, essential oils can do wonders for your mouth, teeth, and gums. My whole family uses my homemade toothpaste recipe twice a day. Recently when we went to the dentist, he was very impressed with our teeth. I guess it’s working! ๐
Essential oils are very concentrated. Read how to use essential oils internally for more information. I am not a doctor and always recommend checking with your doctor before using any essential oils topically or orally.
Do you ever use essential oils for your dental needs? If so, share your recipes in the comments below!
I hope this post was helpful!
Follow along with our oily house:
which oils are suitable after a stroke?
right side is not moving
Do you have anything to recommend for whitening your teeth?
Yes, check out my toothpaste recipe!
I know essential oils can eat through plastic. They won’t do this for retainers?
Typically that only happens over time, not for a quick soak.
Okay, awesome! Having it eat through a water bottle is one thing, but my retainers is another lol
Just finished reading your post about dental health and I have a question. I have an autoimmunne disease which is attacking the inside of my mouth. Is there an essential oil you would recommend that could possibly help me?
Thank you for your time.
Aww I am so sorry to hear that! I have a protocol for autoimmune. It includes oils, supplements, and diet. I would love to chat further with you about this if you want to email me at
Thank you for mentioning this on Instagram. I have ground my teeth since I was a baby. Now I wear a retainer at night so I am going to use two of these recipes right away. To make the teeth clenching recipe asap I am going to have to substitute one oil, but I have the rest, so I hope it still works as well.
You’re welcome! Hope it helps!
I agree with your details , fantastic post.
Thank you so much!